Archiv der Kategorie: art

Jordan 2017

All pictures of my trip to Jordan are online now.


The black and white exposures are online at 

or on

Colour pictures you will find at

or on


Jordan is a country located in the Middle East, known for its rich history, culture, and natural beauty. It is a popular destination for tourists who want to explore its many ancient sites, deserts, and natural wonders.

Some popular things to see and do in Jordan include:

  • Visiting Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, which is an ancient city carved into rock that offers a glimpse into the Nabateans‘ sophisticated culture and engineering.
  • Visiting the Wadi Rum, a desert valley that is known for its red sand and rock formations, and is a popular spot for camel trekking, hot air balloon rides, and stargazing.
  • Visiting the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, where you can float in the salt-rich waters and visit the nearby spa resorts that offer a variety of health and beauty treatments.
  • Visiting the Jerash, an ancient Roman city that is considered one of the best-preserved Roman provincial towns in the world, and offers a glimpse into the Roman Empire’s engineering and architectural achievements.
  • Visiting the Aqaba, a seaside city located at the southern tip of Jordan, known for its beaches, scuba diving, and snorkeling, as well as its historic sites such as the Aqaba Fort.
  • Visiting the Madaba, a city that is known for its mosaics, including the famous Madaba Map, an ancient mosaic map of the Holy Land that was discovered in the city’s St. George Church.

Jordan is also known for its delicious local cuisine, such as the famous mansaf, a traditional Bedouin dish made of lamb, yogurt and rice, and the falafel, a popular street food made of ground chickpeas mixed with spices.

I recommend you to check the official website of the Jordan’s Tourist board or the Ministry of Tourism for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.

Composition Taxi

Composition Taxi

Composings and Compositions – Photo-Art
Photo Composings are created from multiple photos. The Photos are edited in Photoshop CS. Masking and blending are the main editing steps. A partly used gauss blur filter is used to create a view which is hiding details. Layering multiple photographs will create a depth of view. By hiding details phantasy will be inspired, so everybody can find his own interpretation. Not showing everything will pique curiosity. The combination of photos will create a new and different statement comparing to single and unique captures. The combination and abstraction will reinforce the expression. It can express thoughts, feelings or visions in a way that single photos cannot do. Finally it can end in a surreal composition which has nothing to do with the basic photos.

I was inspired by the Work of Robert Mertens, Robert Mertens. Also I can recommend the Work of Sofia Mira from Portugal Sofia Mira .

Overview on all composings of Ralf Kayser.

Composition New York Rain

Composition New York Rain


Photo Composings are created from one of multiple photos. The Photos are edited in Photoshop CS. Masking and blending are the main editing steps. A partly used gauss blur filter is used to create a view hiding details. Layering multiple photographs will create depth. By hiding details phantasie should be inspired, so everybody can find his own interpretation. The combination of photos can create a new and different statement compared to the single captures. The combination and abstraction should reinforce the expression. Finally it can end in a surreal composition which has nothing to do with the basic photos.

I was inspired by the Work of Robert Mertens, Robert Mertens.
Overview on all composings of Ralf Kayser.

Composition Hot Dog

Hotdog in New York


Photo Composings are created from one of multiple photos. The Photos are edited in Photoshop CS. Masking and blending are the main editing steps. A partly used gauss blur filter is used to create a view hiding details. Layering multiple photographs will create depth. By hiding details phantasie should be inspired, so everybody can find his own interpretation.

The combination of photos can create a new and different statement compared to the single captures. The combination and abstraction should reinforce the expression. Finally it can end in a surreal composition which has nothing to do with the basic photos.

I was inspired by the Work of Robert Mertens, Robert Mertens.

Overview on all composings of Ralf Kayser.

Composition Cypress

Cypress – The three Gladiators


Photo Composings are created from one of multiple photos. The Photos are edited in Photoshop CS. Masking and blending are the main editing steps. A partly used gauss blur filter is used to create a view hiding details. Layering multiple photographs will create depth. By hiding details phantasie should be inspired, so everybody can find his own interpretation.

The combination of photos can create a new and different statement compared to the single captures. The combination and abstraction should reinforce the expression. Finally it can end in a surreal composition which has nothing to do with the basic photos.

I was inspired by the Work of Robert Mertens, Robert Mertens.

Overview on all composings of Ralf Kayser.




Georgia, on the road


The 3 gladiators

Rain in NYC



Photo Composings are created from one of multiple photos. The Photos are edited in Photoshop CS. Masking and blending are the main editing steps. A partly used gauss blur filter is used to create a view hiding details. Layering multiple photographs will create depth. By hiding details phantasie should be inspired, so everybody can find his own interpretation.

The combination of photos can create a new and different statement compared to the single captures. The combination and abstraction should reinforce the expression. Finally it can end in a surreal composition which has nothing to do with the basic photos.

I was inspired by the Work of Robert Mertens, Robert Mertens.

Overview on all composings of Ralf Kayser.