Paris, in October 2022, for more pictures please visit the gallery:
Paris Gallery
The Moulin Rouge is open all year round, and offers cabaret shows featuring dancers and acrobats, while the Eiffel Tower … Continue Reading ››
Paris, in October 2022, for more pictures please visit the gallery:
Paris Gallery
The Moulin Rouge is open all year round, and offers cabaret shows featuring dancers and acrobats, while the Eiffel Tower … Continue Reading ››
In autumn the landscape in Canada turns into warm colours.
For more composite pictures please
The Yukon Territory … Continue Reading ››
Yellow, every where you are looking, you will see a yellow taxi.
You know you are in New York City.
It is nearly impossible to take a picture without capturing a taxi.
No difference during the day or at night.
[google-map-v3 shortcodeid="32c63c90" width="350" height="350" zoom="12" maptype="roadmap" mapalign="left" directionhint="false" … Continue Reading ››
Imfrared pictures were taken with a Nikon D700 which was converted by Optic Makario exchanging the internal IR-pass filter. This standard filter is blocking the infrared rays above 700 nm, it is mounted directly in front of the sensor. Allowing to pass visible … Continue Reading ››
Times Square is the theatre district in Manhattan, there are about 40 theatres.
At the crossing Broadway and 7th Avenue. It stretches from 42nd Street to West 47th Street.
It was named after the New York Times which is located there.
In 1976 the area around Times Square was known as the most dangerous place in Continue Reading ››
If it rains in New York you will get wet.
If it rains in NYC it rains hard in summertime. You won’t get a taxi, there are thousands but all are occupied when it rains.
You could be prepared carrying an umbrella but if you are an optimist you left it at home. So … Continue Reading ››
The photos from the trip to New York city are now online.
Please join a walk in the streets of New York sharing my impressions.
New York City
[google-map-v3 shortcodeid="5dcaa4bd" width="350" height="350" … Continue Reading ››
Additional following blog posts were updated with an English translation.
Please visit the following blogs:
Lowland gorillas in Republic of Congo, ROC
Ein Besuch der Konzentrationslager Auschwitz und Birkenau in Südpolen ruft einem die Dimension der faschistischen Verbrechen verdeutlicht ins Gedächtnis. Obwohl die Darstellung vor Ort sehr sachlich und neutral gezeigt wird ist doch die enorme Größe der Gelände sehr beeindruckend. Die Darstellung in Film und Literatur vermag die Größenordnung nicht so deutlich machen … Continue Reading ››
In Nepal findet man Moderne und Tradition Seite an Seite. Traditionelles Leben vermischt sich mit modernen Elementen. Das Straßenbild ist geprägt von einer Vielfalt. Diese wird sowohl von Armut und Reichtum geprägt wie auch vom Glauben und geschichtlicher Herkunft. Europäische und amerikanische Lebensweisen fließen in das doch noch sehr deutlich traditionell geprägte … Continue Reading ››